An Historic Parish In Cambridgeshire

Minutes And Agenda

The Parish Council meets at least four times a year, plus an annual meeting. Meetings are arranged as far as possible to accommodate discussion on planning applications. Meetings are usually at 8pm in Waresley Village Hall. Notices of meetings are placed on the village noticeboard and sent out on the village email list.

Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings. Items that you would like Councillors to discuss should be presented in writing or emailed to the clerk at least a week before the meeting. Copies of the agenda and minutes of meetings are placed on the village noticeboard and posted on this website. Planning applications may be viewed on Huntingdonshire District Council website or by arrangement with the Chairman.


MINUTES - Please note that minutes are subject to approval, normally at the following meeting, and amendments can be made at that meeting. It is always advisable, therefore, to check the minutes of the meeting following that in which you are interested to make sure no changes have been made.


Minutes Of Previous Meetings


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Current And Previous Agendas


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