An Historic Parish In Cambridgeshire

News And Events


Village news...

At the end of last year John Archer resigned from the parish council after twenty years of service. Many thanks to John for doing so much for the village over such a long period. After advertising the vacancy for the requisite period, we now welcome Josh Morris Lowe to the parish council. Josh is especially welcome as it means that Tetworth has a representation on our council, a situation which we are not always able to achieve.

The next meeting of the parish council is scheduled for 13th February 2925
8pm in the Village Hall. All welcome

Agenda to be found, closer to the time, under the Parish Council Page, Minutes and Agendas.

Travelling Library Service

Note: changes to the service. The library will now visit from 9.45am -10.15.

The travelling library usually visits Waresley every first Friday in the month. 9.45am outside the Duncombe Arms. 

This is part of the Cambridgeshire library service, so books from the travelling library can be returned to any other Cambridgeshire library and vice versa. Books can be renewed on-line. You can also request books on-line - to be collected from the travelling library. There is a wide selection of books including large print and there is a large childrens section.

The next visit is Friday February 7th

East-West Rail Route


The route option chosen by East West Rail was Route 1 (Tempsford).
The rail will proceed North along the line of the A1, turning East to the South of St Neots and following the line of the new A428 to Cambourne North, This was good news for Waresley. 

A new non-statutory consultation has now been announced closing 24th January 2025

More information to be found at