An Historic Parish In Cambridgeshire

Parish Council

The Parish Council meets at least four times a year, plus an annual meeting. Meetings are arranged as far as possible to accommodate discussion on planning applications. Meetings are usually at 8pm in Waresley Village Hall. Notices of meetings are placed on the village noticeboard and sent out on the village email list.

Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings. Items that you would like Councillors to discuss should be presented in writing or emailed to the clerk at least a week before the meeting. Copies of the agenda and minutes of meetings are placed on the village noticeboard and posted on this website. Planning applications may be viewed on Huntingdonshire District Council website or by arrangement with the Chairman.


Parish Councillors

Here you will find details of our Councillors who serve on the Parish Council along with details of the Clerk.


If you have any points to discuss at our next Parish meeting or wish to contact a Councillor then please click below for more details.



Parish Finances

Here you will find details of our Parish Council current and end of year accounts. Also we will publish documents relating to assets, internal audit reports and our annual governance statement.


Please click below for more details.



Minutes and Agenda

Here you will find our latest and past Parish Council minutes and agendas relating to the running of Waresley-cum-Tetworth. Please note only verified Parish minutes will appear on our website.


Please click below for more details.
